Advertise to Thousands

Advertise With Free Internet Advertising – Free Advertising

Free Internet Advertising

When you advertise your website, do you take advantage of FREE Internet Advertising?

Okay, we all know in today’s online world of advertisements, right?  Here are several ways you can use internet advertising to advertise your business and a lot of them are free!

Examples Of Free Internet Advertising

1.  Social Media is probably one of the most popular ways to advertise and get free targeted traffic to your website.  There are new sites coming online every day that are dedicated to social media.  Of course some of the most known are Facebook, Twitter and Digg.

Using social media is free.  You can send a link to all of your followers or friends anytime you want.  It’s a good rule of thumb not to consistently send your links or “spam” them.  Too many sales posts will make you come across as a spammer.  You should mix in some interesting comments and any good content that your might find beneficial to your readers.

2. Using Adboards is one way you can advertise and get free internet advertising that drives targeted traffic to your business or website.  It is a fantastic way to get free internet advertising.  With Adboards, you can put your advertisement in front of many prospective people and you can even own your own Adboards which will allow you to control where you place your specific advertisements.

3. Using Traffic Exchanges is another way to get free internet advertising and targeted website traffic.  With Traffic Exchanges you can get free internet advertising and get your business in front of a lot of potential customers.  This is probably one of the most popular ways for most online business entrepreneurs to get website traffic to their websites.

The one downfall of traffic exchanges is that a lot of the people that see you advertising are also on the traffic exchange for one purpose.  To advertise just like you.  So you need to be sure your “splash page” stands out, catches their eye and is unique to that particular traffic exchange.  Try to help people and you will get free traffic!

You can also get referrals for the traffic exchange and earn free credits when they surf, giving you more free hits and this will allow you to get your advertisement to be seen by more potential customers.

4. Using Rebrandable Ebooks is yet another way of getting free internet advertising and driving free traffic to your website.  At no cost to you, this is a very popular way to get free traffic and advertise your business.

Rebrandable ebooks allow you to download someone’s ebook and run the rebranding software they provide with the ebook.  The software will advertise for you by automatically inserting your affiliate links through out the entire ebook so when people click on the link, you will get the commissions from that affiliate product.

These ebooks are offered through out the web.  Just search for “rebrandable ebooks” and you can find them.  Remember, you have to be a member of the affiliate programs that you rebrand it with.  Most of these affiliate programs are free to join and you can possibly make good money.

5. Viral Marketing is an advertising campaign that is becoming more and more popular and is capable of keeping your links being passed around the internet for a long time!

It is similar to rebranding ebooks by using your links embedded in the text, which allows you to get paid when people click on your links.  As stated above, once these books get placed on the web, they continue to circulate around forever, thus they are considered to be “viral marketing”. (more free internet advertising)

6. Another way of using internet advertising to promote your business is Inexpensive Paid Advertising and this is probably my favorite way to place an advertisement and get traffic to your website.

With inexpensive paid advertising, you can advertise your business opportunity to thousands daily, even MILLIONS and get your ad in front of many potential customers.

All of the ideas above will dramatically increase your website traffic and get more people to see your advertisements and thus, promote your business by using free internet advertising.

There are so many ways for you to advertise and get your ad going viral across the web.  Spend some time searching and you will be surprised at what your find!

Good luck!

Free Internet Advertising

Advertising to the Masses? Let’s Have Some Fun!

Time to get creative! Let's revolutionize advertising to the masses!


Advertising to Thousands with a Smile!

Reach thousands with a smile! Unlock the power of advertising today!


How to Successfully Market on the Internet For Free

Successfully Market on the Internet For Free

With the increase of social networking in today’s world it’s becoming easier to market on the Internet for free. Sites like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Rumble and Myspace are taking the Internet by storm and are creating opportunities for network marketers’ to be able to market on the Internet without spending a lot of money.

Using these social networking sites correctly to market a business also increases SEO (search engine optimization) which will enable marketer’s to use PPC advertising (pay per click) more effectively and affordably. There is a science to marketing on the Internet that if followed correctly will help create brand awareness and provide lasting success to those who have the will to follow the process.

The first step all marketers’ need to take is to create their own blog. The blog is going to be the central hub in the marketing process. All marketing will be focused and driven around the blog. This should be the place that prospects are taken to before they go to any replicated website. The blog should be focused on branding you as a leader and should not be a sales pitch. Blogs should provide valuable content to the prospect. If you provide valuable content search engines like Google and Yahoo will show your posts in their search results which is a great way to get free traffic.

Your blog will be the place that prospects will be able to learn more about you as a leader. On the home page of your blog, you will have a link to your website that prospects can go to find out more information about your opportunity. A couple of the top blogging sites are WordPress and Blogspot. Always make sure to ping your blog after each post so the search engines will pick up on your posts. A good site to use is Pingomatic.

Now that you have a central hub for your prospects to go to, you need to start driving traffic to your blog by using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. Your MySpace and Facebook profiles should be focused around you and who you are as a person. Just like your blog make sure all the content you provide on these sites is valuable to your prospect and is not a sales pitch.

Twitter is a great site to use to drive fast traffic to your website. It’s very important to provide good content on Twitter or else the community and Twitter will ban your account very quickly. Make sure you read their rules and regulations before you start any kind of marketing.

If you follow these steps correctly and give social networking the time and respect it deserves you will become a master at marketing on the Internet. Remember your blog is your hub, and all prospects should be driven to your blog before they go to your opportunity. Use Twitter, MySpace and Facebook to build your followers and start branding yourself as a leader. It’s very important to always provide content to your readers or else it will ruin your credibility within the industry.

The key is to brand yourself as a leader and people want to follow leaders.

How to Successfully Market on the Internet For Free by LUCIEN BECHARD

How to Successfully Market on the Internet For Free

Most Common Ezine Publishing Mistakes

10 Most Common Ezine Publishing Mistakes That You Can Avoid


Publishing an Ezine is a lucrative business. More and more people are jumping on the Ezine publishing band wagon. Anyone can get an auto responder and compile their own newsletters and e-courses to their subscribers at the cost of pennies. It is no surprise that Ezines are the choice of medium for list building and selling ad spaces.

However, there are a lot of mistakes made by newbies. Mistakes such as unsolicited emailing and not focusing on their core business are common mistakes committed daily. These must be addressed so that the profits are not wasted.

Therefore, I’ve written this guide on how to overcome these common mistakes.

Sending Ezines from your Yahoo or Gmail

Part of the temptation for newbies is to collect a group of emails and start mailing out from their own personal emails.

At first this may seem quite harmless when you have about 10-20 people in your list, but once your subscriber count exceeds 50 people, you are going to have a very big problem on your hand.

Firstly, you will have to handle people who newly sign up on your list manually. People who wish to unsubscribe needs to be manually removed as well – causing you massive administration problems.

The worst thing is most Internet service providers refuse to let you send bulk emails to many people at once. Of course, they set their own limits so that spammers won’t prey on the unsuspecting through their networks.

If you are not careful, you might even lose your subscriber list as well because your entire list sits within your computer’s hard drive. If you do not backup your computer

You might wind up losing hundreds or thousands of subscribers that you spent all those time and sleepless nights building them.

Don’t be a fool – make sure you get a good and reliable auto responder to handle all the work for you.

Signing up people without getting them to opt-in

One of the biggest newbie mistakes when it comes to Ezines is signing up on other mailing lists without their permission. You think just because they are on one of my list, it automatically gives me permission to sign them up on some other list.

Trust me – Unsolicited signups is a big no-no on the Net, and will get you in deep trouble! In the worst cast scenarios, you will be accused of spamming and you will get your IP blacklisted on the ISPs.

You must do things the proper way. When you want to build your list or invite people to subscribe, make sure you mail them a proper invitation form (or landing page) and when they manually opt in again, then you will have their permission. Bear in mind that you must once again ‘convince’ them why they should opt-in to your new list and never ever take any shortcuts.

Not giving good or useful content

Some publishers are so obsessed with getting traffic and selling things that all they ever do in their Ezines is sell products and talk all about themselves. Use their Ezines to boast about how great they are and how good their JV partners are doing to the point that they bore their subscribers to death.

Another common problem is that the E-zine publishers load their Ezines with so many ads that it disrupts the reading pleasure of their readers.

How would you like it if you were to buy the latest computer gadget magazine (if you are a guy) or the latest beauty magazine (for women) and dig through a haystack just to find the CONTENT page? I am sure you will either have a very hard time looking for the page number or you would cancel your subscription.

Content is king. Never diverge from that. But even more important than that – relevant content for your subscribers should be the main deal.

What you must do for your subscribers is to provide useful content roughly 80% of your Ezine and leave the rest for paid ads. It is a healthy balance.

Not focusing on their business.

On the other side of the coin, there are many publishers who talk about everything under the sun by serving up powerful and useful content for their readers but they forget about the most important thing – making MONEY.

Ultimately, publishing an Ezine is about making money. You can’t do it without promoting yourself or your business. In any business, remember that branding is the most important and you have to create that awareness in your Ezine while providing good content at the same time.

Learn to use strategically placed affiliate links so that your prospects don’t feel as though they are being ‘sold to’. Talk about them first, then talk about a solution for them and then finally talk about YOUR solution for them. End everything with a call to action. That way, you will not be wasting traffic from your subscribers.

Publishing whenever they feel like it

Do you know that you should keep in touch with your subscribers as regularly as possible?

There are millions of people on the Internet. If you don’t keep in touch with them, they will most likely forget all about you and your Ezine. Don’t ever let this happen to your business! It is easier to keep an existing customer or subscriber compared to getting a brand new one!

Publishing regularly suggests to your readers that you are an organized and you are able to meet deadlines and commitments.

You must learn to set aside some time for your publishing schedule. A way to accomplish this is to construct something like an E-course in advance. Then publish them everyday or every three days. Use this time to work on another product or come up with content for your Ezine.

Even if you don’t have any special content for your subscribers, try and stay in touch with them as regularly as possible. Even a simple “Hi” followed by a link to another person’s site (preferably an affiliate program) will also do the job just fine!

Neglecting the older archived issues

Part and parcel of the process of E-zine publishing is that you move from one issue to another. As you progress on, you will find that you have many back issues in your hard drive and sometimes, people tend to neglect the past issues as something outdated or useless.

Unless your information is completely obsolete, there are many things you can do with a back issue. You can offer your archived issue as a sample issue to prospective subscribers on your website or your blog.

People do read older issues and follow your journey. You’ll be able to get more of your visitors that are on the “fence” to join your Ezine, giving you a bigger list to market your products to.

Not only that, you will also attract a lot of new people looking to buy advertising space because they can check out your archived issues and check out how your ads worked out until now.

Forgetting about publish your Ezine in RSS

RSS is one of the many ways people use to access your content without having them come directly to your website or your blog. Most of the time, Ezine publishers want their subscribers to subscribe directly through their e-mails or auto responders because they can keep track of the size of their list.

However, neglecting RSS is very bad. Although you can’t cater to every single subscriber’s needs, enabling RSS is a way to get your readership across many different platforms. There are people out there who are lazy and rather read everything through their feeds. Try your best to meet their needs.

Another advantage of publishing on RSS is that you’ll increase your readership and sales by bypassing all the email filters. If your e-mail for your Ezine is titled ‘make money online’ you can be sure the money word would be captured and thrown into the SPAM or BULK folder as fast as you can say the word ‘spam magnet’!

Therefore, you’ll also be able to make your Ezine’s copy more effective because you’ll be able to use all those ‘taboo’ words such as without worrying about your Ezine getting blocked.

Neglecting the ‘subscriber only’ privilege

There is a tendency for people to treat a subscriber just like any other guy on your mailing list or blog readers.

If you asked me, I believe that E-zine subscribers are one of the most important people on your list. They are people who are genuinely interested in your work and spend time reading it. You should pamper them and treat them with care because that is probably where the money is!

Since they usually follow you from the beginning to the end, you should give them a reward. For example, if you are a selling a product (for example WordPress blog themes) and you usually sell them for $17, maybe you can consider giving your loyal subscribers a $7 discount. They will appreciate it and will gladly refer others to subscribe to your list or even – start promoting as your affiliate because they have been given the special treatment.

Neglecting the personal touch


One of the problems of bulk mailing to many people at once is that we forget to be human. Very often, if I’m on the list of my friend who is an active Internet marketer and we happen to correspond on e-mail a lot, I will receive emails from him and e-mails from his auto responder.

One glance of the e-mail and I can tell whether it is personally from him and whether he is sending out to a large group.

If you don’t know how to add the personal touch to your email headlines, you are missing out on a lot of readers (sometimes, those who are your subscribers as well – they could be busy with other things on their mind).

Always talk in a personal tone rather than selling your subscribers products all the time otherwise they will think you are just trying to grab their money.

Never offering any bonuses

Sometimes people forget to offer bonuses to their subscribers. They forget that once in a while, they should offer free gifts to entice them to stay on. You can also use bonuses to entice people to join as a new subscriber as well.

Try writing a free report – about the latest developments and offer them as a bonus. Tell them how much the report is worth by increasing the value your visitors place on your bonus by telling them how much it would be worth if you were to charge for it.

For example:

“I would normally charge $27 for this special report, but I am giving it away free to my loyal subscribers…”

You would increase the perceived value of your bonus and make your subscribers feel pampered at the same time.

Never neglect this powerful method!



There are many mistakes committed by newbies, but the worst mistake that can ever happen is to repeat your mistakes over and over again. Don’t take this for granted. If you keep on committing mistakes, you will lose credibility in the eyes of your subscribers and joint venture partners (even if you are a seasoned Ezine publisher.

Always be vigilant and keep an eye out for blind spots that you may have missed out. Keep on refining your work and you can be sure that online riches will be heading your way.

Good luck!

10 Most Common Ezine Publishing Mistakes That You Can Avoid

Internet Marketing Methods

Ezine publishing – A Top Lucrative Internet Marketing Method

There are billions of dollars transacted online yearly. As a matter of fact, the Internet population is expanding at such an alarming rate, more and more businesses are considering a migration towards the online world (and abandoning their offline counterparts at the same time).

But the main question is how much of that share do you want out of it? How big (or small) of the pie do you want to claim as your very own?

Part of the struggles of the 21st century is to find a business model that is not only scalable (that means you don’t have to work harder for the same amount of profits) but at the same time easy to setup and low-risk. Brick and mortar businesses have very high overheads and not to mention physical restrictions as well – it is no wonder why people are turning towards the Internet.

Part of the joys of starting an Internet business is the fact that you can operate it at home. You don’t have to get stuck in rush-hour traffic, squeeze your way through a congested train or run after a bus. You can do everything from the comfort of your home, in your pajamas, with toast, eggs and coffee next to your computer at 11am in the morning.

It is true that making money online is one of the most lucrative markets people are getting into.

The best thing is, you don’t have to worry about customers paying you late (cash and credit card business), collection problems (the 3rd party merchant accounts will bank the money into your bank account), and piling up on stock and inventory (all the products are in digital format). This is truly an online utopia at our fingertips.

But, even among Internet businesses, there are many challenges as well. So, why E-zines?

A Super Hot Marketing Method

Why E-zines and not other methods? There are tons of methods of making money online like AdSense publishing, playing the AdWords game, affiliate marketing and many others, but E-zine publishing is one of the most lucrative methods online.

Take for example E-zine advertising:

Advertising on email Ezines, is becoming one of the most popular forms of online marketing. Many experts are making lots of money selling ad space on their Ezines while at the same time buying ad space on other Ezine ads as well.

The cost of buying ad space on Ezines is also much cheaper compared to Google AdWords (result may vary depending on the targeted keyword and the market).

Did you know that ads are never removed because people tend to send out archived Ezine issues every now and then with your ads stuck to them? Ezine ads have a very long life span compared to email marketing which is one time only.

You can also transfer an Ezine easily. Many of the Ezine publishers encourage their subscribers to pass around the Ezine to their friends, business associates, subscribers and mailing list for viral marketing effect. One guy even told this Ezine publisher for network marketing tips whether he can pass his Ezine to ALL his downlines (can you imagine the joy on the face of the Ezine publisher?)

Ezines are also HIGHLY targeted. The subscribers there are generally more responsive to your product.

Plus the fact that you can place ads on Ezines for free sometimes because many Ezine publishers are willing to offer free ad space because they want to beef up their Ezines with pages!

Basically, Ezine publishing offers many angles of marketing and income and many other Internet marketing models don’t have.

Low-Cost, High-Profit

Can you imagine the infrastructure needed for setting up your own publishing house the conventional way? It is common knowledge that a brick and mortar business is full of risks and costs a lot of time and money to setup. You need to have lots of paid-staff like editors, news reporters and even the cleaning ladies!

As an Ezine publisher, you gain the benefits of a conventional newsletter publisher enjoys without worrying about paper at all! You can easily and conveniently spread your marketing influence and expertise to all your subscribers even if you are just an ordinary individual. Basically, you’re the boss!

You do not have to invest in expensive printing equipment, brick and mortar business, and hiring staff just to run your own newsletter publication, resulting in a lot of time, money and effort saved. So what could be better?

The goal of every business is low-cost, high profit!

Having big buildings and many staff at your disposal may make you feel powerful, but in reality, all this cost lots of money. Every staff and building is just additional overheads. You may earn a lot of money but you are spending a lot at the same time! Operating your Ezine at the comfort of your on home is much more cost effective. Remember that every penny saved is a penny earned!

Do you know that an auto responder will also double as your salesperson, customer relations manager and support clerk? An auto responder works round the clock and doesn’t go for lunch breaks (and they cost about $15 a month to operate!)

The business of Ezine publishing is also highly scalable because the more subscribers you have will not burden you as much compared to servicing your customers in the real world as a sales person. When you have your online business setup, it can even run on autopilot – a set-and-forget model!

Multiple Profit Funnels

Experts have claimed that it is suicidal for anyone to have only ONE source of income. If you have only one source of income, you are in a risky position. Even in an online business, if you are focusing on selling one product to many different markets, your income potential is very limited and you are not maximizing your resources.

The beauty of an online business is this – you can create a business model or a website and build traffic, build relationships with your customers and sell them products. Once your website has developed enough traction, you can start focusing on the profits.

Maybe you might not make so much money if you are just starting out, but if one website can bring in $500 to $1,000 every single month on autopilot, I am very sure you won’t mind creating multiple profit funnels.

The same applies to an E-zine. You can build your Ezine business just like any niche marketing websites. You drive traffic, get them to subscribe to your newsletter or Ezine, build relationships through a daily newsletter or an e-course and sell them your own products or promote affiliate programs.

Once your Ezine is on autopilot, you can create ANOTHER Ezine and create another profit funnel for yourself! You can create one after another and soon, you will have many online businesses operating for you each giving you residual income.

The best thing about Ezines is that you can build them with any other Internet business models out there. Let’s say you are into AdSense publishing, a newsletter will turn a common subscriber into one of your loyal blog readers. How about Google AdWords? If you have a powerful newsletter linked to a well written sales copy, you can even use AdWords to draw traffic into your newsletter.

How about with affiliate programs? You can create many different Ezines all with recommended resources to all sorts of affiliate programs out there. The possibilities are endless. All you need to do is source for the ones that pay the highest commissions and which programs are most suitable for your subscribers.

Anyone Can Do It!

Almost anyone can write an E-zine. This business model is so simple that any layman with the right attitude and basic aptitude for computers will be able to succeed as an Ezine publisher. (Of course you must work very hard at it, just like any offline business)

Just put yourself in the shoes of a well known publisher and imagine yourself with all the facilities without the overheads or headaches.

Ezine publishing is a dream business for anyone and if everyone knew how profitable Ezine publishing can be, they will jump on the band wagon immediately.

Are you prepared to think like a marketer? Do you have any sales experience? These assets are also very valuable when it comes to Ezine publishing.

Always remember that the basic principles in an offline business will always apply in an online business. You will need to have a service oriented attitude. You must be able to anticipate your subscriber’s needs. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. These are all part and parcel of any successful business that provides value.

Are you up to the task? The only problem is with us. The 80-20 rule will always apply no matter you are in conventional business, network marketing, direct marketing or Internet marketing.

Many people think that all they need to do is purchase a ‘business’ or an ‘opportunity’ and all they have to do is sit around and wait for their money tree to sprout money. Don’t be naïve – you have to put in a lot of hard work when it comes to Ezine publishing and you have to stand out among the crowd.

If you have no love for the computer or the Internet, then don’t bother – Ezine publishing is most probably not for you.

The good news is that this business model isn’t as technically challenging as programming languages. Even if you can’t write, you can always outsource to ghostwriters who will help you get the job done for a fee.

The Process of Getting Started

You will need basic tools such as a domain name, web hosting and an auto responder. Purchase a domain name that is related to the niche you are targeting. Find a reliable web host to host your website.

But, among these three basic tools, the most important one of all is the auto responder. Some people even run newsletters without a website (although owning a website will increase your credibility and profit funnels).

An auto responder will do the work of your sales force, manage your customer and subscribers for you and help you build relationships with your subscribers and support them with any issues all while you are asleep.

Auto responders are also very important for customization. You can address the subscriber by his first name and give it a very personalized touch.

If you spend your time trying to respond to all your customers’ e-mails you will feel like quitting because of the sheer amount of support work!

Not only will you have little time for product creation and marketing, your customers will become a very angry bunch because you are taking far too long to reply their emails! Customers can get really edgy at times and you must make sure you attend to each of their every need.

In addition to that, you need content. Lots and lots of content royalty free content will help you to get started. Why is relevant content important? It’s because you need to spend hours of research when you start out on your first Ezine campaign. You must have content that you can use to play around with, tweak your Ezine and cross reference with or else you don’t stand a chance against the competition outside.

Remember to do a lot of market research on your chosen niche. At the end of the day, you have many options ahead of you, all that is needed for you now is to take action and get your business started as fast as possible!

Ezine publishing – A Top Lucrative Internet Marketing Method

Inexpensive Ways To Advertise

Inexpensive Ways to Advertise

If you own a business, you want to have inexpensive ways to advertise. You start a business to make money, not to keep spending money. If you could come up with inexpensive ways to advertise, you can definitely start expanding your business the right way. A lot of people think that it is expensive to advertise a business every day.

The truth is it does not need to be that way. When people think about advertising or marketing a business, a lot of people do not want to worry about the hassles. You need to always be advertising your business, to keep a steady income coming in. There is actually a lot of expensive and inexpensive ways to advertise your business. Business and trade organizations are one of the inexpensive ways to advertise. You can meet a lot of potential investors, customers, partners or mentors to help you expand your business.

Another inexpensive way to advertise is to work out a deal with local businesses to help each other promote and market each other’s products. If your internet related, you could exchange website links with each other. Another one of the inexpensive ways to advertise your business, is to do tradeshows. The purpose of the tradeshow is to provide information and value to people that are interested in what you have to offer. You can also participate and support local fundraisers in your community. This will get you positive exposure and this is a great way to advertise. Now those are all great inexpensive ways to advertise, but you also need to concentrate on other ways to market or advertise your business.

The more exposure that you can get, the more leads and customers you can start to receive. The great thing about being creative, is that the possibilities can be endless. Another inexpensive way to advertise your business, is to do an annual advertising program. You pay for something once and you are there all year. If you do certain advertising annually, that is a great way to see the benefits all year. There is so many inexpensive ways to advertise, just try to take advantage of as many as you can.

I am a San Francisco Realtor and web enthusiast. You can contact me at

For more info email

Article Source: EzineArticles .com  expert is Mary Edwards

Inexpensive Ways to Advertise

How You Can Advertise on MySpace

Advertising on MySpace

Advertising on MySpace, which is an online community, is a great way to get your business opportunity in front of many people.  Users can actually create websites where others can view personal information about them and contact them.

Savvy Internet Marketers have found MySpace can also be used to advertise products or services and self promotion. You do have a terms of use on MySpace and care should be taken to ensure none of your actions are in violation of these terms but otherwise users can advertise either directly or indirectly on their MySpace website.


Why Advertising on MySpace is Effective

Advertising on MySpace can be effective if done correctly and not in a way that is viewed by others as. The effectiveness of MySpace stems from sheer numbers of users who are currently using MySpace.

This includes both members who place comments as well as nonmembers who only look at other websites. With so many daily visitors it is likely there will be visitors who are interested in the products or services you are offering on your MySpace website.

Another reason why MySpace is such an effective advertising tool is there are no fees associated with using your MySpace profile to create links to your e-commerce website or to provide more information about the products and services you offer.

The best way to effectively advertise on MySpace is to follow the same guidelines that would normally be followed by advertisers in online locations. This includes knowing who your target audience is and how to effectively appeal to them. This is important because a marketing campaign which does not follow these simple rules will not likely be effective.

In addition to standard advertising on MySpace, you can also advertise in the form of banner advertisements on MySpace.  MySpace does not charge a fee to members because they generate their income through paid advertisements. Contact MySpace administrators directly to learn more about these advertising opportunities.

Selling Products on MySpace

MySpace can be also be used to advertise products and or services. This can be done either subtly or blatantly. Those who are active participants on MySpace and take time to  meet others and are making friends are more likely to benefit from selling products or services through a MySpace account.

This is because most people who use MySpace are not exactly looking for information about products or services so they are unlikely to seek out this information.

But, if they have online friends who are using their MySpace account to promote a product or service they may see the advertisements and find the products or services interesting. In this case they may visit a link to an e-commerce website and consider making a purchase.

However, care should be taken when advertising online. Links to your e-commerce website on your own profile are acceptable but placing comments with the same link on other members’ websites will likely be considered spam by both the other members and the MySpace administrators.

Using MySpace for Self Promotion

In addition to selling products and services and just advertising on MySpace, websites can also be used for the purpose of self promotion. Models, actors and actresses, bands and other performers are all realizing the potential for self promotion which exists on MySpace.

Members of the community can include everything which may be useful to those who wish to hire them in the future. With so many people visiting MySpace on a daily basis, it can be easy for members of the community to create quite a following for themselves.

Those on MySpace should also be aware that industry executives are now dedicating staff members to search MySpace looking for new talent. In fact more than one major recording company has admitted to having interns spend hours each day on MySpace looking for exciting new artists.


Advertising on MySpace

Advertise On Myspace, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter

Low Cost Internet Advertising

Looking for a much cooler way to keep your Internet advertising cost low? Does anything sound better than free advertising? Before you answer that question answer this, do you have a myspace page and keep it up to date? What about a facebook youtube or twitter profile; chance are you have one of these profiles.

Now you may be thinking “what does this have to do with keeping my Internet advertising cost low?”,,, and are all web 2.0 (social media) sites that allow you to socialize and share all kinds of information with millions of people across the globe at virtually little to no cost. It’s the perfect place for you to advertise. To we will be discussing some very basic ways how you can use these social media site to keep your Internet advertising cost low.

Looking to see the latest lil wayne video, or maybe even watch some old sports highlights, go to is a web 2.0 site that allows you to view and post videos for free. On you can watch music videos, sports highlights, TV episodes, and just about any non-adult video can be viewed. Because allows you to post videos on their site for free you know have the ability to upload and promote yourself or business to millions across the globe.Try it…

Lets say that you own a web site that sells web domains, you could go ahead and produce an informative video about what you do and why people should visit your site. Once your video is edited and ready for the public go to and upload it; now you have an informative commercial on the Internet that millions of people across the globe can view. Uploading video on is a very effective way to keep your Internet advertising cost low. Guaranteed traffic!

A few more social media sites you can use to keep your Internet advertising cost low are,, and These sites allow you to add friends, post bulletins, join groups, and basically meet individuals on the Internet. Each one of these sites are different and have there own advantages, the one thing they all share is that they are free to use, and great places to meet people and promote yourself or business.

To learn more about how to keep your Internet advertising cost low go to

Low Cost Internet Advertising

How To Get Free Website Traffic

Free Website Traffic

There are tons of great ways to get traffic to your website. In this Hub I discuss some of the more popular and how they can be best used. Remember, the most effective and fastest way to drive targeted traffic to your website is to buy your advertising. I am not talking about guaranteed hits or pop under traffic that you can purchase buy the thousands. Those are useless most of the time! I am talking about a laser targeted pay per click campaign or purchasing solo ads and ezine advertising.

Many marketers say that ezine advertising isn’t as effective as it used to be. Pay Per Click, PPC, is the King when it comes to targeted traffic and lots of it. If you are new to internet marketing, please take my advice and make sure you are well read on the subject of pay per click before you just jump in. It is advisable to go slow and keep your daily budgets low until you get the hang of it or you can lose a lot of money in a short amount of time. There are many books and trainings on ppc to help keep this from happening.

Here is a way that you can “Ethically Steal Anyone’s Adwords Keywords While You Browse Google In Real-Time! Free methods have been proven to bring in loads of targeted traffic by the buckets as well. But this comes with the price of your trading your valuable time. You need to devote at least a couple hours a day for the following methods to be effective. With that said, here is a brief run down of what I will be covering. ” Traffic Exchanges (some people call them Hit Exchanges) ” Safe Lists – permission based email marketing ” Article Submission/ Press Release- Free Reports ” Viral Techniques and Programs -most of which include some or all of the above methods ” SEO & Web 2.0 – ways to get your website ranked in the search engine results Leads Leap – Unbelievable Traffic Leads Leap is an awesome new program that can get you a lot of traffic to your websites. You can also use it to get some fantastic bonuses just for being a member. The creator of this site is generous enough to give you the tools to build your own business, not his. But get this, even shows you how to do it in a viral blog that can also bring you traffic by the pounds. Nowadays, whenever you purchase a new product, you’re given a new login detail. Whenever you join a new affiliate program, you are given a new affiliate detail. How about your web hosting accounts, autoresponder accounts and other membership sites? Here is the answer to your problems.

This is one of the latest viral programs to hit the Internet Marketing world and it just may be the best. They didn’t call it “leadsleap” for nothing. The program is a link cloaker with built in click and conversion tracking. Everytime your cloaked links are clicked on, you earn credits for free traffic. Here’s the scenario: – You rebrand the software with your ads and give it away to as many people as possible. (They will thank you for it because finally, there’s a software to manage all their IDs!) – They save all their login IDs and refer to it regularly. – Whenever they use the program, they will see your random ads. – The software also comes with several built-in affiliate programs that you can join and make even more money while promoting your other programs.

To learn more, I recommend that you go ahead and get your free account right now. Fast Track Ads…Traffic Exchanges On Steroids Traffic exchanges are the simplest way to get free traffic and can help put you on the fast track to success. You spend time viewing other people’s websites which earns you credits to show your websites to them. A simple concept although most are not an even 1 to 1 trade. This is reserved for “Pro” members who pay a one-time fee. Since we are discussing free traffic methods, we are not going to talk much about that right now. I mentioned earlier that the trade off for not paying is time. All of the traffic exchanges require you to view each page for a designated amount of time. The time varies from 5 – 30 seconds per page. With a 30 second timer, you could view 120 pages an hour which would earn you around 60 views for your website. When you refer someone in a traffic exchange, you get bonus credits added to your account. You also get a small percentage of their earnings added to your account when they surf. With time, you can build and army of people earning credits for you. Once you get this going and have others in your organization duplicating your efforts you can build up a lot of advertising credits. Spending less than an hour a day on average, I know people that have added over 120 opt ins to their list and over 45 people in their primary company in as little as 6 weeks. By the way this was only using traffic exchanges to promote which didn’t cost a dime.

Email Marketing Is Not Dead Permission based email marketing used to be really popular in internet marketing circles. Then along came the “spammers” and with them, anti-spam software. This forces that the recipient “double” opt in to receive email from most marketers. Therefore the people that are receiving your email have stated that they want to hear what you have to say. The solution to the spam situation was the creation of safelists. Safelists are groups of people that agree to except mail from people and in return they get to send mail to the group. Basically the same premise as traffic exchanges but with email. They also have “pro” memberships which allow you to send your mail more often or to more members. Once again, we are going to concentrate on the free memberships for this discussion. I do recommend taking advantage of any lifetime membership offers that you run accross. That is, for safelists that you have found to be responsive. You can test and track and spend a lot of time and effort finding out which safelists work. One of the major components to getting free traffic to your website is to test along the way so that you will not be wasting your time advertising in places that are not effective. There are services available to do most of that for you, but most of If you ever consider an e-book on how to generate “laser targeted” traffic to your website then my recommendation would be this one, creating success.

Articles About Traffic Generation ” Simple Ways To Generate Traffic With Web 2.0 Web 2.0 traffic methods are similar to traditional methods of generating traffic, but conveyed in a different type of online environment. With web 2.0 the traffic there is interactive and the response can be a lot more quicker than traditional methods. One of the more simple ways to generate traffic using web 2.0 is to have a contest of some sort. While running the contest itself does not necessarily bring on a lot of traffic, but if you were to post the results of some winners on there it would generate some buzz. ” Drive Even More Traffic Using Surveys There are scores of providers or so called experts making all type of claims to give you more exposure. One way that has worked tremendously for me has been to run surveys. This simple concept needs to be posted in forums and some of the places that you interact with people that have questions in your chosen niche and then you can narrow it down to a couple of answers that you are able to find and give them the answer. Because once they have answered your survey question, they have just qualified themselves as having an issue that you can now go solve for them creating you a customer. This is probably one of the most under used methods of all. I think the whole idea of writing an article intimidates people. You don’t have to be an expert on a subject. Just pick a topic that relates to your website or product that you are promoting and start writing. If writing intimidates you, there are several places that you can find ghostwriters. Many people that have written tons of articles never use press releases. A press release is just an article that is made to sound like a news story but will get your story 100 times the exposure that an article will. You can submit press releases for free but if you are willing to spend as little as $2, you will get more exposure than if you submitted a thousand articles. The one thing that many people forget about when writing a press release is that it cannot sound like a blatant advertising, but it needs to convey some type of story for the press to deem it informative. SEO and Web 2.0 I have placed these two together because they are all about getting “organic” traffic to your web site. I am talking about traffic that is a result of someone searching for a “term” or “tag” or a specific word to find information. These two methods are much too in depth to talk about in this hub, therefore I will briefly touch on them. SEO is all about “tweaking” your web sites so that they are more search engine friendly and building back links from web sites with similar themes to help build the validity and authority of your web site. This will increase your page rank and your place in the search engine listings, which will bring you more visitors. Web 2.0 refers to blogs, social networking sites, social bookmarking sites that use tags to help people find information. There are many strategies to use these types of sites to create powerful one way back links that will facilitate more traffic to your website and help boost your SEO efforts at the same time. This strategy alone has increased my website traffic tremendously and has given me top 10 rankings for very competitive keywords.

Video Marketing is an effective way of getting targeted traffic just like PPC but the big difference is that it is FREE! There is no way that I can list all of the video sharing sites here, but I will give you a few of them such as Youtube, Viddler, Yahoo Tv, Jumpcut and Myspace Tv just to name a few. You can simply do a google search for video sharing sites and the list is countless. This can be a well spring of traffic to your website almost instantaneously.  by RASHAAD WILLIAMS

Free Website Traffic

Affordable Advertising On Craigslist

Affordable Advertising

The advertising on Craigslist is certainly affordable. In fact there is no fee for the majority of posts made on Craigslist. Craigslist began as a non-profit organization but in 1999 it was converted to a for profit organization. However, operating costs are supported by charging nominal fees for help wanted advertisements placed on the San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York City Craigslist websites. Additionally, there is a fee for brokerage apartment listings in New York City.

The vast majority of those posting advertisements on any of the Craigslist over 300 websites are not paying a fee to do so. This definitely makes posting advertisements on Craigslist to be worthwhile from a financial standpoint. While the advertisements are free, care should be taken to post these advertisements carefully because although there is financial loss, poor posting can result in a loss of time and resources if it leads to poor profit potential.

Why Craigslist is Free

Although the founder of Craigslist, Craig Newmark, was approached in 1997 about the possibility of running banner advertisements on Craigslist to generate a profit, he made the decision to keep Craigslist as a noncommercial website. Even after Craigslist was converted to a for profit organization commercialization did not infiltrate the website. The points listed in the Craigslist mission statement demonstrate why Craigslist has remained noncommercial:

* Giving each other a break, getting the word out about everyday, real-world stuff
* Restoring the human voice to the Internet, in a humane, non-commercial environment
* Keeping things simple, common-sense, down-to-earth, honest, very real
* Providing an alternative to impersonal, big-media sites
* Being inclusive, giving a voice to the disenfranchised, democratizing…
* Being a collection of communities with similar spirit, not a single monolithic entity

Advertising on Craigslist vs. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another type of marketing which many business owners find to be both worthwhile and affordable. For many the appeal of affiliate marketing is the affiliates are not compensated for their efforts unless the business owner sees some type of gain from the advertising. This gain may be in the form of website traffic in the case of pay per click marketing, in the form of sales in pay per sale marketing or in the form of potential leads when a website visitor performs a specific action such as registering with a website or signing up for an offer.

While affiliate marketing is very appealing there are others who prefer advertising on Craigslist. The advantages Craigslist offers to advertisers is, of course, that the advertisers never pay for their business advertisements and the community receives a great deal of website traffic already so driving traffic to the website is not a concern.

Why Free Is Not Always Better

However, there are some specific instances where free advertising is not the best type of advertising available. Consider a product or service for which Craigslist does not have an appropriate category. In this case advertising on Craigslist may not be worthwhile because although the advertisement is free, it is also not likely to receive a great deal of attention from members of the target audience. In this case, advertising on Craigslist may be a waste of resources.

Another example of an instance when Craigslist may not be a great advertising option is when the market is already saturated with competitors’ advertisements. In this case it can be difficult to sway customer loyalty so it might be more worthwhile to pay for advertising in a less crowded market.

Affordable Advertising on Craigslist

Emotional Advertising To Connect With Your Clients

Emotional Advertising

Do you use emotional advertising?  Have you ever considered that your advertisement is not converting well because wasn’t created with the viewer in mind?

It may sound silly, but it’s true. In order to connect with your potential customers, your ad must convey emotion to them, and get them on the same track as your pitch. The best way to complement your tried-and-true ad copy is with corresponding images and graphics, thus emotional advertising!

So how can you be sure that you’re choosing the right images and graphics for your ad?

In this article, I’ll show you how to turn a flat, uninteresting ad into an effective, emotion-evoking masterpiece! Just follow these simple steps…

Use Emotive Images…It Makes The Difference!

In order to jump start your conversions, your ad needs to forge an emotional connection with the consumer. In fact, it has been proven that when a logical advertisement is split-tested with an ad that conveys emotion and connects with the target audience, the emotional advertising results are markedly better.

A good way to connect with your consumer on an emotional level is to use emotive images. An emotive image is a picture that induces emotion in the viewer. For example, a photo of people smiling and laughing could convey happiness, satisfaction, or excitement.

Emotional Advertising – Don’t Overdo It!

With the abundant stock photo and clip art resources available to you these days, it can be very easy to get carried away. Loading your ad full of low-quality images, or using irrelevant graphics that don’t have anything to do with your promotion are common mistakes.

Your emotive images won’t do you much good if the rest of your ad is full of poor quality images, or too “busy” for the eye to navigate. Remember that white space is your friend. It draws the eye, so without it, you could kill any potential effect. Never clutter an ad so much that it eats up all of your available white space!

Make Sure Your Graphics Look Great!

Okay, your graphics are emotive, which is emotional advertising, but what about the actual quality of the images? If your ad features lackluster graphics or images, it could negatively impact your results. A good rule of thumb is to always use high resolution images in your ads.

If the images on your ads fit these descriptions, it’s time to dump them:

Images stretched to the point of pixelization – Even if you haven’t done this, I know you’ve definitely seen it before. This is a surefire way to make your ad ugly and suppress your ad’s converting power. If you must stretch a photo, make sure it’s vectorized. Vectorized images can be scaled without looking blurry or pixelated.

Images with lots of “noise” – If you’ve ever saved a .jpg file as a .gif with your graphic editing software, you’ve seen image noise. Those specks and spots that afflict some images are hard to get rid of, even with most high-end graphics software. Ditch the noise—get a new image altogether!

Low resolution images – Scan a photo from a disposable camera, then upload a photo from a digital camera, and you’ll see that there is a huge difference in photo quality. Make sure that your photos are always high resolution!

Your Ad Should Pull Customers In, Not Push Them Away!

There you have it! How to use Emotional Advertising.  By following the above steps, you will have a compelling, emotion-evoking advertisement that connects with everyone who views it. Always make sure you implement emotive images into your advertisements. Not only will you create that emotional connection, but you will measurably increase your conversions!  by Patricia Walker

———————– About The Author: Patricia Walker is the Creatives Director of, an online advertising service and a subsidiary of Multiple Stream Media. Want to know why over 56,000 online advertisers and marketers use us. Find out now – ———————– Copyright © 2009

Emotional Advertising

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